  • メインビジュアル
  • メインビジュアル
  • メインビジュアル

At the time of its founding, the brewery’s owners, the Iwasaki family, had a succession of daughters. The name Fukumusume was given in the hope that the girls would grow up to be healthy and happy. “Choyo is the name of the Hagi area, and is associated with the Choyo Festival observed on September 9th.

We are a small sake brewery located in Hagi city, in the northern region of Yamaguchi prefecture, at the Western end of Honshu. The brewery was founded in 1901, and since it was established, we have focused on the quality of its raw material, sake rice. The main business is the production and sale of sake and rice liquor made from the by-products of sake production. These products are sold at the main entrance facing the shopping street as well as wholesale throughout Japan. The sake brewing is done in batches of about 300 kegs, or 15,000 liters, mainly during the cold winter season when it is easier to produce the finest quality sake, which includes the Junmai Ginjo, Junmai sake as well as other brands.

About Us

Brewery Introduction

Hagi city in Yamaguchi prefecture is the birth place of the Meiji Restoration. The Choyo Fukumusume brewery is located in the middle of a delta at the mouth of the Abu River, which is the center of the former city. Facing the Sea of Japan and surrounded by mountains on three sides, this area has long been the center of the two provinces of Bocho, where fishing and commerce have flourished.



山口県独自の酒米「西都の雫」を使って仕込んだ辛口の純米酒。 夏らしい爽やかな味わいを追求するために、直汲みの手法で瓶詰めしたお酒を湯煎で火入れ処理をしました。パッションフルーツなどを思わせる香りに適度な酸味も相まったスムースな味わいがトロピカルな雰囲気を漂わせます。


山田錦を原料に華やかな香りを生み出す特殊な吟醸酵母を用いて醸した清涼感のある夏向きのお酒です。精米歩合は50%と大吟醸規格の商品で、やや甘口の仕上がりですが華やかな香りと透明感のある味わいに、直汲みによる搾りたての軽い発泡感を残すことで、夏らしい清涼感のある味わいに仕上げています。 鯛やイサキなどの白身のお魚のお刺身や鱧などと、また夏のお野菜を使ったお料理などとお楽しみください。


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